Tutorial: How to update a driver that Windows just doesn't want to update
(too old to reply)
Arlen Holder
2020-10-02 07:29:28 UTC
Tutorial: How to update a driver that Windows just doesn't want to update
(As always, please improve so everyone benefits from everything you do.)

This tutorial is based on gory details learned in this thread:
o What's the one free Windows 10 driver update tool you prefer most & why?

These screenshots summarize the success achieved after trial & error:
o <Loading Image...>
o <Loading Image...>
o <Loading Image...>
o <Loading Image...>
o <Loading Image...>

Here is the process I attempted, including failed but noble attempts:
1. Update all drivers that Microsoft feels like updating automatically:
o Win+I > Update & Security > Windows Update > [Check for updates
2. Try to update drivers that Microsoft feels like updating manually:
o Win+R > devmgmt.msc > System devices > LPC Interface Controller
o Driver > [Update Driver] > Search automatically for drivers
3. Test all drivers for 24 hours to see if any have issues:
o Win+R > verifier
4. Search for new drivers using driver identifier freeware, e.g., Dumo:
"Detects required drivers according to your version of Microsoft Windows"
Name: DUMo.exe
Size: 2237376 bytes (2184 KiB)
SHA256: 902798AD309B778382896775F798899448538E3B13096C7F01B4D0D072A5BC41
5. Dumo identified an available LPC Interface Controller driver:
o Current driver:
o Available driver:
6. Obtain that available driver file from the manufacturer or from MS:
o <https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=compal+>
Compal Electronics, INC., System, 7/9/2015 12:00:00 AM -
Windows 10 and later drivers,Windows 10 and Later Servicing Drivers
for testing Drivers (Other Hardware) 7/8/2015 137 KB
Name: 4b427ef6-2932-46b3-8ee9-058a19b012e5_87cc805498b6288f11615839f6aaf1f7bcf09147.cab
Size: 140892 bytes (137 KiB)
SHA256: AF844719CDDB0D139FDA8BD0FF9E33E6B4F925EE2E1F0A5DB5107480030D2247
(Note: Hereinafter I will call this file "1.cab" for simplicity.
7. Attempt to install that MS Catalog driver using the Device Manager:
o Win+R > devmgmt.msc > RMB on "LPC Interface Controller" > Properties
Driver Date: 7/16/2012
Driver Version:
Press on [Update Driver]
Browse my computer for drivers > c:\tmp\cab
[x]Include subfolders
But DeviceManager said "The best driver is already installed".
8. Attempt to install that Microsoft cab file using DISM:
o Win+R > cmd {control+shift+enter}
DISM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"c:\tmp\cab\1.cab"
Error: 0x80070002, Error: 2
The system cannot find the file specified.
(Note: That error is all over the net; nobody knows what it means.)
9. Give up on DISM, and just extract the cab file to the INF file contents
o Win+R > cmd {control+shift+enter}
o Expand -F:* c:\tmp\cab\1.cab c:\tmp\cab
That extracts, in my case, the following four files from the cab:
lpcfilter.cat, LPCFilter.inf, LPCFilter.pdb, LPCFilter.sys
10. Right-click install from that INF file which will say it works:
But it's a lie, as it did not work (even after a reboot).
o <https://i.postimg.cc/rF06Wb14/driver02.jpg>
11. In Device Manager, update that driver via the [Update Driver] button
But don't use the "Browse my computer for drivers" (it won't work)
12. Instead, use "Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer"
Don't ask me the difference because I don't why only this works.
Accept all the dire-warning prompts and reboot thereafter
o <https://i.postimg.cc/JzCxz8v0/driver03.jpg>
13. Check the Device Manager to be sure the driver updated
o <https://i.postimg.cc/N0gxR4gw/driver04.jpg>
14. Check with Dumo software to be sure the driver updated
o <https://i.postimg.cc/s2w4mhXG/driver05.jpg>

This tutorial is written so that others don't have to go through the hell I
just went through just to update a driver to the latest available, where if
you ask why I'm updating all my drivers, see the gory details over here:
o Windows 10 BSOD indicates a hardware problem - but what hardware is the problem?
(As always, please improve so everyone benefits from everything you do.)
Arlen Holder
2020-10-02 07:42:05 UTC
Post by Arlen Holder
But it's a lie, as it did not work (even after a reboot).
o <https://i.postimg.cc/rF06Wb14/driver02.jpg>
Ooops. I skipped a step by mistake, where the intent of this tutorial is to
provide _all_ the commands which are _supposed_ to work, whether or not
they actually worked for me (because they may actually work for you).
a. To be clear, some commands failed outright
b. Others "said" they worked, but they actually failed.
c. By persevering, I finally found the commands that worked.

Here is the stop I skipped, between step 10 & 11:
o Using an INF File to Install a File System Filter Driver

That suggests either just right clicking on the "inf" file
and selecting "Install" from the context menu, or, running:
o rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132

Trying the first method, I right clicked on the INF & pressed "Install"
and it said, "The operation completed successfully".
o <https://i.postimg.cc/rF06Wb14/driver02.jpg>
Hmm. That was easy. Too easy perhaps. Let's check:
o Win+R > devmgmt.msc > System devices > LPC Interface Controller
Clicking on the "Driver" tab shows the version still
So did Microsoft lie to me? Dunno. Probably. Perhaps. Dunno.

Maybe I need to reboot.
o So I reboot and check again but no dice on the update.
Microsoft lied.

I never did run the second method because I found step 11,
so this is the step missing between step 10 & step 11:
o Win+R > cmd {control+shift+enter}
o rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 c:\tmp\cab\LPCFilter.inf
Arlen Holder
2020-10-02 21:26:14 UTC
To further test the tutorial, I updated another driver
which had a completely different result (it was easier).

Go figure.

Since any step below could work or fail for others following this
tutorial, I list all dozen steps in detail, but in reality success
happened earlier with this driver than with the previous driver tested.

As always, please improve so all benefit from every action.
o Also note the questions asked within quite a few of the steps below.

If you can answer the questions, you'll be helping everyone with your value!

How to update a Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader driver to the latest 2020 version.
o <Loading Image...> Dumo (before)
o <Loading Image...> Device Manager (before)
o <Loading Image...> Device Manager (after)
o <Loading Image...> Dumo (after)

1. Update all drivers that Microsoft feels like updating automatically:
o Win+I > Update & Security > Windows Update > [Check for updates]
Note: In my case, this didn't update any device drivers.

2. Identify & inventory & update the driver via the Device Manager:
<https://i.postimg.cc/9QdnC9FN/driver07.jpg> Device Manager (before)
o Win+R > devmgmt.msc
o Universal Serial Bus controllers
o Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader
o [Driver Details]
o [Update Driver]
Driver Provider: Realtek Semiconducor Corp.
Driver Date: 12/10/2019
Driver Version: 10.0.18362.31255
Driver > [Update Driver] > Search automatically for drivers
"The best drivers for your device are already installed"
Note: At this point you can also press:
"Search for updated drivers on Windows Update"
Note: In my case, this didn't update any device drivers.
Note: Make a note of the driver filespec for later use in steps below.

3. Determine which drivers have available updates:
o What's the one free Windows 10 driver update tool you prefer most & why?
<https://i.postimg.cc/X7yP1mMW/driver06.jpg> Dumo (before)
(I used Dumo; other driver version identifiers may work as well or better.)
"Detects required drivers according to your version of Microsoft Windows"
Name: DUMo.exe
Size: 2237376 bytes (2184 KiB)
SHA256: 902798AD309B778382896775F798899448538E3B13096C7F01B4D0D072A5BC41

Dumo reports:
Device = Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader
Manufacturer = Realtek
Version = 10.0.18362.31255
Status = Update available (10.0.19041.31262)

4. Find a good link to that driver either at the manufacturer or at Microsoft:
Right click on the device > Search

I don't see that particular driver listed at Realtek:

But I do see it in the Microsoft Catalog:
Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - USB - 10.0.19041.31262
Windows 10, version 1903 and later,
Servicing Drivers,Windows 10, version 1903 and later,
Upgrade & Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware)
7/13/2020 10.0.19041.31262 1.7 MB
[Download] <http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/driver/drvs/2020/09/789247b1-62b4-4966-bfbe-a5408e3e66e4_d8f7fb9d25bcb2dfdf80e36050252e78533a8504.cab>
Name: 789247b1-62b4-4966-bfbe-a5408e3e66e4_d8f7fb9d25bcb2dfdf80e36050252e78533a8504.cab
Size: 1749154 bytes (1708 KiB)
SHA256: 851550270E8AB134431094D2F4CF1FB5741EBBA8F5BB61FEFD525350527E27FC

Place the cab file in a suitable storage location for your archived drivers.
Note: For simplicity, hereinafter the cab file will be referred to as:

5. Attempt to install that MS Catalog driver using the Device Manager:
o Win+R > devmgmt.msc
Universal Serial Bus controllers
RMB on "Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader" > Properties
Driver Date: 12/10/2019
Driver Version: 1.0.18362.31255
Press on [Update Driver]
Browse my computer for drivers
[x]Include subfolders
But DeviceManager said "The best drivers for your device are already installed"

6. Attempt to install that Microsoft cab file using DISM:
o Win+R > cmd {control+shift+enter}
DISM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"c:\tmp\cab\1.cab"
Error: 0x80070002, Error: 2
The system cannot find the file specified.
(Note: That error is all over the net; nobody knows what it means.)

7. 9. Give up on DISM, and just extract the cab file to the INF file contents
o Win+R > cmd {control+shift+enter}
o Expand -F:* c:\tmp\cab\1.cab c:\tmp\cab
That extracts, in my case, the following four files from the cab:
Adding c:\tmp\cab\RsCRIcon.dll to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\RtsUer.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\RtsUer.sys to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\rtsuer64.cat to Extraction Queue

8. Right-click install from that INF file which will say it works:
Sometimes that's a lie; sometimes it actually works. Dunno why.
In my case, this worked, as reported by the Device Manager:
o Win+R > devmgmt.msc
Universal Serial Bus controllers
RMB on "Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader" > Properties
Driver Date: 7/14/2020
Driver Version: 1.0.19041.31262

9. If that fails, another way to install from that INF is to us this command:
o Win+R > cmd {control+shift+enter}
o rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 c:\tmp\cab\RtsUer.inf

10. If that fails, you can go to the Device Manager:
This time use the "Browse my computer for drivers"
Select c:\tmp\cab\RtsUer.inf

11. You can also go to the Device Manager:
Use "Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer"
Choose [Have Disk] and select c:\tmp\cab\RtsUer.inf

12. After reboot, check with Device Manager & Dumo to be sure the driver is updated:
o <https://i.postimg.cc/RhJg86Dd/driver08.jpg> Device Manager (after)
o <https://i.postimg.cc/nM83tV8J/driver09.jpg> Dumo (after)

Consider making a restore point (dunno if drivers are in restore points, do you?)
o Win+R > systempropertiesprotection > [Create]

Test drivers for 24 hours using the Windows Driver Verifier:
o Win+R > verifier
Select a task
(_) Create standard settings
(_) Create custom settings (for code developers)
(_) Delete existing settings
(_) Display existing settings
(o) Display information about the currently verified drivers
Note: I'm not yet quite sure how to use this tool properly; are you?
If you wonder why I'm updating all my device drivers, see details here:
o Windows 10 BSOD indicates a hardware problem - but what hardware is the problem?
Arlen Holder
2020-10-02 22:49:40 UTC
Questions that arose while updating drivers that you can help answer.
o Some of you are purposefully helpful & far more knowledgeable than I.

If you can answer any questions posed in that tutorial, all will benefit.

Step 1:
o Why doesn't Microsoft know of the updated drivers when those updated
drivers clearly exist in the Microsoft Windows catalog?

Step 2:
o Same question as in Step 1 for the DeviceManager [Update Driver].

Step 3:
o Do you know of better driver update freeware than Dumo?

Step 4:
o Do those extraordinarily long Microsoft CAB file names mean anything?

Step 5:
o When DeviceManager browses for a local cab file, why won't it install?

Step 6:
o Does anyone know why the DISM command fails with that specific error?
DISM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"c:\tmp\cab\1.cab"
Error: 0x80070002, Error: 2
The system cannot find the file specified.

Step 7:
o Why do we need to "Expand" the cab file just to get drivers to update?

Step 8:
o Why does right clicking on the INF to install always say it works;
but in my tests, it doesn't work sometimes, even when it says it does?

Step 9:
o Have you had good success with the rundll command as shown below?
rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 c:\tmp\cab\RtsUer.inf

Step 10:
o Why doesn't DeviceManager "Browse my computer for drivers" always work
when you select a known good INF file?

Step 11:
o Why does Device Manager "Let me pick from a list of available drivers
on my computer" and then [Have Disk] and select c:\tmp\cab\RtsUer.inf
seem to work every time I've tried it (but not the other methods)?

Step 12:
o Do you know of better software than Dumo to report available versions?

Optional step A:
o Do restore points maintain the driver update status?

Optional step B:
o Do you know how to use Windows "Driver Verifier" to our advantage
to test the stability of these device drivers?
Usenet pools our collective experience with people around the world.
Arlen Holder
2020-10-03 19:53:11 UTC
I field tested the tutorial yet again... this time to failure.

Each time I follow this tutorial, I run into _different_ problem sets!
o The tutorial steps failed miserably on the Realtek HD Audio drivers!

Now it's time to update the "Realtek High Definition Audio" drivers:
o <Loading Image...>
Current version: 6.0.8967.1
Where Dumo reports that an update is available that Windows doesn't want:
o <Loading Image...>
Update available 6.0.8988.1
Howevever, there are a ton of "audio drivers" already installed it seems:
o <Loading Image...>

That means the previous methods of updating via a single INF file won't work.

Stating the obvious, Windows based driver update steps all fail:
1. Win+I > Update & Security > Windows Update > [Check for updates]

2. Win+R > devicemanager > [Update driver] > Search automatically for drivers
"The best drivers for your device are already installed"
Audio inputs and outputs
Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio) [Microsoft 12/6/2019, 10.0.19041.1]
Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) [Microsoft 12/6/2019, 10.0.19041.1]
Sound, video and game controllers
Realtek High Definition Audio [Realtek, 6/9/2020, 6.0.8967.1]

Note: While there are 3 Realtek entries, only the last driver seems to be Realtek.

3. Determine available updates via any desired driver update tool:
Dumo > Update available 6.0.8988.1
Note: While there are 3 Realtek devices, only the last has an update.

4. Find a good link at the manufacturer or Microsoft web sites:
Name: 093e3550-965c-45c8-9092-81f74e78ebc2_a8cd15104ada5e9274bbc1a2d228c05f7533a536.cab
Size: 11116666 bytes (10 MiB)
SHA256: C7FCF77AA886D9B2ECC651CBC074A115408BE2ADABFC7627AEC4A3FBEB705B73
Hereinafter referred to as c:\tmp\cab\1.cab

5. Attempt to install that MS Catalog driver using the Device Manager:
o Win+R > devicemanager > [Update driver] > Browse my computer for drivers
Search for drivers in this location: c:\tmp\cab\ [x]Include subfolders > [Next]
"The best drivers for your device are already installed"
Sound, video and game controllers
Realtek High Definition Audio

6. Attempt to install that Microsoft cab file using DISM:
o Win+R > cmd {control+shift+enter}
DISM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"c:\tmp\cab\1.cab"
Error: 0x80070002, Error: 2
The system cannot find the file specified.
(Note: That error is all over the net; nobody knows what it means.)

This alludes to the 64-bit option, but it fails in the same manner:
"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Dism.exe" /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\tmp\cab\1.cab"
"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Dism.exe" /Offline /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\tmp\cab\1.cab"

This alludes to the "Add-Driver" option for driver cab files:
DISM /Online /Add-Driver /DriverPath:"c:\tmp\cab\1.cab"
"This command can only be used with an offline image."

7. Add the install option for CAB files
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="cmd /k dism /online /add-package /packagepath:"%1""

But when I right click on the cab file, I get:
"This file does not have an ap associated with it for performing this action."

8. Package manager (deprecated for Windows 10 & up)
o Win+R > cmd {control+shift+enter}
start /w Pkgmgr /ip /m:c:"c:\tmp\cab\1.cab"
This fails, saying package manager is deprecated in Windows 10.

9. Extract that cab file to its component INF and other support files:
Expand -F:* c:\tmp\cab\1.cab c:\tmp\cab
Adding c:\tmp\cab\amdacpksl.sys to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\en_Rtk552xfw.dat to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACERAIO.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACERNB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPAcer.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPAMD.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPAMDECards.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPASUS.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPCasper.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPClevo.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPDELLCSMB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPHPBNB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPHPNB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPLG.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPLV.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPMI.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPTongfang.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXACPWhite.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXAMD.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXAsrok.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXASUS.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXASUSTC.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXBCM.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXBPCAS.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXClevo.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXCompal.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXCPC.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXDELLBC2018.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXDELLBCSST2018.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXDELLCSMB2018.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXDELLSSTCSMB2018.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXDynabook.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXDynabookSST.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXECS.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXEmdoor.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXFoxconn.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXFTS.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXFujitsu.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXFujitsuHAP.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXFujitsuSST.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXGigabyte.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPAcerNB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPAMD.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPASUS.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPDellCSMB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPEmdoor.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPHPBNB1.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPHPCPC.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPHPNB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPHPNB_RTK_WOV.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPHuawei.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPLenovo.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPMI.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHAPWHITE.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHPAI4.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHPBNB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHPBNB1.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHPBPC.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHPBPCAIO.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHPBPCWS.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHPNB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXHuawei.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXINET.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXINTEL.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXInventec.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXLG.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXLV.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXLVSST.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXMI.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXMitac.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXMorshow.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXMSI.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXNEC.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXNECSST.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXNECWov01.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXNECWov02.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXNECWov2.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXNexstGo.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXNexstGoSST.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXPagatron.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXPanasonic.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXPanasonicSST.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXRazer.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\hdxrt.cat to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXRTTest.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSamsung.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXShuttle.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSRazer.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTACERAIO.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTACERNB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTAMS.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTAsrock.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTASUS.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTClevo.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTCompal.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTECS.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTEmdoor.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTHPAIO.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTHPAIO1.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTHPBNB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTHPBNB1.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTHPNB.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTHPNB_WCOS.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTHuawei.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTINTEL.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTIntelRVP.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTLG.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTMI.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTMSI.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTPagatron.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTSamsung.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTTongfang.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTVAIO.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXSSTWHITE.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXTongfang.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXVAIO.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\HDXWHITE.inf to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\RTAIODAT.DAT to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\RtEventLog.dll to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\RtkAlc5679fw01.dat to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\RtkAlc5679fw02.dat to Extraction Queue
Adding c:\tmp\cab\RTKVHD64.sys to Extraction Queue

Note: This is going to be a problem if I have to select _each_ INF file to install!
Out of 122 files, 114 end in *.inf, 2 in *.sys, 4 in *.dat files,
& one each of *.log, *.cat, and *.dll.

10. Right-click install from the "correct" INF file but how do you know which one?
o Win+R > devicemanager
One by one go down the driver list until you find the version:
C:\Windows\system32\drivers\RTKVHD64.sys [File version: 6.0.8967.1 built by: WinDDK]
So maybe RTKVHD64.sys is the correct file?
But if you right click on that *.sys file, you do not get an install option.

11. Let's see if the RUNDLL command will work on a "sys" file:
o Win+R > cmd {control+shift+enter}
o rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 c:\tmp\cab\RTKVHD64.sys
Error: Installation failed.

12. Win+R > devicemanager >
"Browse my computer for drivers" >
"Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer" >
[Have Disk] [Browse]
But the only things you can select are the 114 INF files; not the sys file.

Well... all that failed.
o Back to googling....
Usenet sometimes is the only way to find an answer to Windows problem sets.
Arlen Holder
2020-10-03 21:43:08 UTC
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Arlen Holder
2020-10-04 03:09:32 UTC

The Realtek audio driver update situation is atrocious, IMHO.
o <https://i.postimg.cc/fR8yW1WS/driver13.jpg>
o <https://i.postimg.cc/wMYTbp2Z/driver14.jpg>

1. I was on version 6.0.8967.1
2. Dumo said version 6.0.8988.1 was available
3. A Tenforums thread said the latest MS Catalog version was 6.0.8978.1
4. But a search on MS Catalog confirms version 6.0.8988.1 was available

I downloaded both cab files from Microsoft Catalog:
o The 6.0.8978.1 cab file installs easily (283 files)
o The 6.0.8988.1 cab file fails miserably (122 files)

That's just crazy.
o How are people supposed to know which cab sucks & which cab works?

Anyway, here's the syslog snippet for the failed installation process:
A. Go to the Microsoft catalog
o <https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Home.aspx>
B. Run a search for just the specific version number reported by Dumo:
o <https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=6.0.8988.1>
C. That finds a dozen hits, all of which "appear" to be the same.
o <http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/driver/drvs/2020/08/093e3550-965c-45c8-9092-81f74e78ebc2_a8cd15104ada5e9274bbc1a2d228c05f7533a536.cab>
Name: 093e3550-965c-45c8-9092-81f74e78ebc2_a8cd15104ada5e9274bbc1a2d228c05f7533a536.cab
Size: 11116666 bytes (10 MiB)
SHA256: C7FCF77AA886D9B2ECC651CBC074A115408BE2ADABFC7627AEC4A3FBEB705B73
D. This only expands to 122 files, and not 283 like the prior version did.
Expand -F:* c:\tmp\cab\1.cab c:\tmp\cab
E. We've been down this road before...
a. It won't take the cab
b. And there are a hundred INF files
c. I tried installing a few INF files, but guessing is just crazy
F. Whatever this 6.0.8988.1 cab contains, it's not installable on Windows.
Unless there is a trick that nobody knows yet.

In summary, updating to the "latest" Realtek file is a hit or miss endeavor.
Everything we do should be leveraged so that others benefit from our actions.
Arlen Holder
2020-10-05 00:16:22 UTC

I tested the dozen tutorial steps yet another time:
1. The Nvidia HD Audio driver I had was version
2. Dumo said the latest is
3. Microsoft Catalog only has up to
4. Worse, Nvidia's latest puts you back to
5. Worse than that, Nvidia's latest adds a ton of crapware
6. So now I have even more drivers than I had started with
7. None of them are the so-called "latest" version of
8. But at least _one_ of them is close, at

It turns out adding a specific "latest" driver is not at all easy
o And, in fact, you'll likely fail more often than not (IMHO)

But you'll _always_ end up with 'something' (that part is easy)
o But that something isn't necessarily anything you _thought_ you'd get

Take the example of the so-called "latest" Nvidia HD Audio Driver
o I was aiming for the so-called latest version
"Nvidia High Definition Audio" ===>

You'd think, especially with Nvidia, that would be easy, right?
o But you'd be wrong.

Guess what happened?
o I ended up with _not_ updating the existing driver (
<Loading Image...>
o I ended up _adding_ a _new_ driver of the same name (
<Loading Image...>
o And, notice, even _that_ wasn't the so-called latest version!

This entire driver situation is a complete nearly random mess...
o If you're aiming for a specific so-called "latest" driver version.

Here's a quick synopsys of what I did, since I followed the tutorial
o Note: Either the tutorial is wrong, or, drivers are a royal mess

A. This is the goal (seems simple, doesn't it?):
NVIDIA High Definition Audio
Current version
Update available

B. We already know none of the standard Windows steps will update it.

C. So let's get that so-called 'latest' driver from MS Catalog, shall we?
They don't have but they have

D. Our 1st gotcha is they don't even have the so-called "latest" driver:
Let's get it anyway...


Name: nvhda.inf_6ab97d6022235bfd16329d99816211199f4f782a.cab>
Size: 191812 bytes (187 KiB)
SHA256: CF509D2B59A9BB4E40C911018B33A55F02B3F6C1901640DE313CE8AC7C4D5091

E. We already know installing the cab (e.g., via DISM) will fail.

F. We know by now almost zip extractor extracts cab files (e.g., 7zip)
So let's extract it with 7zip and look for the INF files.

G. Now let's do the "Have Disk" in "Win+R > devicemanager" dance:
Have Disk nvhda.inf
Driver Date 6/8/2020
Driver Version

That complains that it's the wrong driver.
Why? I don't know why.
Let's ditch Microsoft Catalog for the Nvidia web site.

H. Surely the Nvidia web site has the latest drivers, right?
(Well, their version numbers are _completely_ different!)
Version: 342.01 WHQL
Release Date: 2016.12.14
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Language: English (US)
File Size: 292.47 MB

I. Oh well, even though the version numbers are completely different,
let's get what Nvidia says is the "latest" driver for Win10 x64:

Name: 342.01-desktop-win10-64bit-international.exe
Size: 306673592 bytes (292 MiB)
SHA256: 8B27B32756824F58652523EF7B28FF3BC07765AD3129CF76429C777BD6C81C9D
J. It's easy to install, but it's a crap shoot what you'll get:
Executing that exe unpacks it and then checks system compatibility.
It installs Microsoft Visual C++ Redisributable packages for Visual
(WTF? Why does it even _need_ Microsoft Visual C++?)

What you get is stuff you didn't even ask for - but you get it anyway:
o 3D Vision Controller Driver 340.50
o 3D Vision Driver 342.01
o Graphics Driver 342.01
o HD Audio Driver <=== note this is the _same_ driver you
o NVIDIA GeForce Experience
o PhysX System Software version 9.13.1220

K. After all that, and you end up with the _same_ driver you already had!
Win+R > devicemanager
Nvidia High Definition Audio
Driver Date: 11/28/2013
Driver Version:

L. Dumo says this _added_ a driver that wasn't there before!
NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)
NVIDIA,, Update available (

M. Go back to the MS Catalog and at least update to a newer version:

Name: nvvad.inf_9f4b82e83145123adfba950a9df2328c1cac5a28.cab>
Size: 67262 bytes (65 KiB)
SHA256: 46F8259D20843987F43BA917ACE0034C7120817EE6354B033920289E92A8EFB9

N. Let's again do the "Have Disk" in "Win+R > devicemanager" dance:
Have Disk nvhda.inf
Driver Date 6/8/2020
Driver Version

In summary,
a. You can't get the so-called "latest" driver version from Nvidia.
b. You can't get that so-called "latest" driver from MS Catalog.
c. From Nvidia, the "latest" gives you _exactly_ what you already had.
d. Worse, Nvidia adds all sorts of crap you didn't ask for.
e. Back on Microsoft Catalog, you can get _close_ to the latest driver
f. Which is what I got (but now I have _extra_ crap from Nvidia!)

In version number specifics, that boils down to:
1. The Nvidia HD Audio driver I had was version
2. Dumo said the latest is
3. Microsoft Catalog only has up to
4. Worse, Nvidia's latest puts you back to
5. Worse than that, Nvidia's latest adds a ton of crapware
6. So now I have even more drivers than I had started with
7. None of them are the so-called "latest" version of
8. But at least _one_ of them is close, at

Is it just me, or is this updating to a "specific" latest
driver essentially a random crapshoot of unexpected events?
On Usenet, people can discuss technical issues of interest.
Arlen Holder
2020-10-06 03:35:03 UTC
Post by Arlen Holder
Is it just me, or is this updating to a "specific" latest
driver essentially a random crapshoot of unexpected events?

Given the Nvidia driver situation was a mess, and, worse, I experienced a
BSOD this morning, basically just after adding the Nvidia drivers, I
decided it was prudent to back out all the Nvidia driver changes I made.
o <https://i.postimg.cc/2862Ztvf/driver01.jpg> Original driver & versions
o ... other drivers than Nvidia were updated ...
o <https://i.postimg.cc/VLV19vTz/driver15.jpg> Updated Nvidia to
o <https://i.postimg.cc/CKjgVNKK/driver16.jpg> Too many Nvidia drivers
o <Loading Image...> Uninstalling Display Driver
o <Loading Image...> Uninstalling Audio Driver
o <Loading Image...> Both drivers are now gone
o <Loading Image...> There are no Nvidia drivers
o <Loading Image...> Windows did an auto update
o <Loading Image...> Back to original versions

Original driver & versions:
o Display adapters > NVIDIA GeForce 210
Driver Version: Driver Date: 11/14/2016
o Sound, video and game controllers > NVIDIA High Definition Audio
Driver Version: Driver Date: 11/14/2016

Interim driver & versions:
o Display adapters > NVIDIA GeForce 210
Driver Version: Driver Date: 11/14/2016
o Sound, video and game controllers > NVIDIA High Definition Audio
Driver Version: Driver Date: 6/8/2020
Driver Version: Driver Date: 11/14/2016

Current driver & versions:
o Display adapters > NVIDIA GeForce 210
Driver Version: Driver Date: 11/14/2016
o Sound, video and game controllers > NVIDIA High Definition Audio
Driver Version: Driver Date: 11/14/2016

In summary, you'd think it would be easy to update the Nvidia drivers to
the specific latest known version, but it's problematic to do so.
a. You can end up with duplicate drivers, as I did, and,
b. You can end up with crapware that you didn't want, as I did, and,
c. It's not as easy to aim for a specific driver as one might think.
This experience is posted so that others benefit from the immense effort.
Arlen Holder
2020-10-06 14:55:48 UTC
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Arlen Holder
2020-10-06 05:59:48 UTC

MajorGeeks offers this tutorial for updating a Windows driver
(but it doesn't have all the hints/examples we discussed prior).
o How to Download the Latest Drivers for Windows (9/9/2020)

They suggest the following driver-update apps:
(Note: I've already tried _all_ of these and found them lacking.)
o Driver Booster
Name: driver_booster_setup.exe
Size: 26263360 bytes (25 MiB)
SHA256: 0068B9B06EB62B6DF2831B87DCA70FFF589133A4579A43381E08A79A6991D3B6
o SlimDrivers
Name: DriverUpdate-setup-859da7ff-1dbf-4de1-a4f0-8755bae46ede.exe
Size: 703344 bytes (686 KiB)
SHA256: 6ABC527558906887F817DB0791D68F091E2181006874D1688F45B08C94D79461
(Note that MalwareBytes considers this a PUP which it quarantines.)
o Snappy Driver Installer
Name: SDI_x64_R2009.exe
Size: 5376000 bytes (5250 KiB)
SHA256: 480A1E1118758A6D0637AA4D77359FC18639984BB21AC32C2307087EBE3E58B9
o Snappy Driver Installer Origin
Name: SDIO_x64_R718.exe
Size: 5340520 bytes (5215 KiB)
SHA256: B8C012B5E41C8B6077BFE34AEADF4A40E198BC3DEEFA48E1F17413AC0F2A077A
<Snappy Driver Installer Origin>
o SnailDriver
o DUMo (Drivers Update Monitor)
Name: DUMo.exe
Size: 2237376 bytes (2184 KiB)
SHA256: 902798AD309B778382896775F798899448538E3B13096C7F01B4D0D072A5BC41

Note: In this thread we tested _all_ these supposed driver updaters:
o What's the one free Windows 10 driver update tool you prefer most & why?

o NVIDIA GeForce Experience
o AMD Driver Autodetect
o Intel Driver & Support Assistant

o Asus
o Creative Labs (Sound Blaster)
o M-Audio
o Realtek
o Turtle Beach

o Kensington
o Logitech
o Mad Catz
o Microsoft
o Razer
o Roccat
o Saitek
o SteelSeries
o Thrustmaster
o Zowie

While that tutorial is missing a ton of productive steps,
it does at least have a basic link to most web sites.
Every thread to Usenet should add value so all benefit each time.
Arlen Holder
2020-11-04 18:56:43 UTC
See also this reference that Paul needed to get his driver updated:
o My Realtek HD Audio Driver Won't Install

Which Paul referenced in this thread today (for cross reference).
o Typical first pass tutorial process on Windows 10 where NONE of the extent how to articles actually tell you what you really need to do!
Andy Burnelli
2022-04-10 21:21:06 UTC
Post by Arlen Holder
Tutorial: How to update a driver that Windows just doesn't want to update
(As always, please improve so everyone benefits from everything you do.)
What's the one free Windows 10 driver update tool you prefer most & why?
Win+I > Update & Security > Windows Update > [Check for updates
Win+R > devmgmt.msc > System devices > LPC Interface Controller
Driver > [Update Driver] > Search automatically for drivers
Win+R > verifier
"Detects required drivers according to your version of Microsoft Windows"
Name: DUMo.exe
Size: 2237376 bytes (2184 KiB)
SHA256: 902798AD309B778382896775F798899448538E3B13096C7F01B4D0D072A5BC41
Current driver:
Available driver:
Compal Electronics, INC., System, 7/9/2015 12:00:00 AM -
Windows 10 and later drivers,Windows 10 and Later Servicing Drivers
for testing Drivers (Other Hardware) 7/8/2015 137 KB
Name: 4b427ef6-2932-46b3-8ee9-058a19b012e5_87cc805498b6288f11615839f6aaf1f7bcf09147.cab
Size: 140892 bytes (137 KiB)
SHA256: AF844719CDDB0D139FDA8BD0FF9E33E6B4F925EE2E1F0A5DB5107480030D2247
(Note: Hereinafter I will call this file "1.cab" for simplicity.
Win+R > devmgmt.msc > RMB on "LPC Interface Controller" > Properties
Driver Date: 7/16/2012
Driver Version:
Press on [Update Driver]
Browse my computer for drivers > c:\tmp\cab
[x]Include subfolders
But DeviceManager said "The best driver is already installed".
Win+R > cmd {control+shift+enter}
DISM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"c:\tmp\cab\1.cab"
Error: 0x80070002, Error: 2
The system cannot find the file specified.
(Note: That error is all over the net; nobody knows what it means.)
9. Give up on DISM, and just extract the cab file to the INF file contents
Win+R > cmd {control+shift+enter}
Expand -F:* c:\tmp\cab\1.cab c:\tmp\cab
lpcfilter.cat, LPCFilter.inf, LPCFilter.pdb, LPCFilter.sys
But it's a lie, as it did not work (even after a reboot).
11. In Device Manager, update that driver via the [Update Driver] button
But don't use the "Browse my computer for drivers" (it won't work)
12. Instead, use "Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer"
Don't ask me the difference because I don't why only this works.
Accept all the dire-warning prompts and reboot thereafter
13. Check the Device Manager to be sure the driver updated
14. Check with Dumo software to be sure the driver updated
This tutorial is written so that others don't have to go through the hell I
just went through just to update a driver to the latest available, where if
o Windows 10 BSOD indicates a hardware problem - but what hardware is the problem?
This is an update expressly for the permanent Usenet record.

Today in the unarchived Windows 10 newsgroup was a discussion
about legacy drivers by Stan Brown who was using a Canon with
Irfanview TWAIN scanning.
From: Stan Brown <***@fastmail.fm>
Newsgroups: alt.comp.os.windows-10
Subject: Running legacy drivers
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2022 21:49:48 -0700
Message-ID: <***@news.individual.net>

Since that newsgroup isn't archived properly except at these crappy engines:
I add Stan's pointer to the permanent Usenet record so _others_ can find it.

Bear in mind that the cut-and-paste below may change over time,
so if you find this in a search in the future, please first refer
to Stan's URL above and not to the cut-and-paste below for reference.

Install and Use Legacy Drivers
I have a Canoscan LIDE 50 flatbed scanner, which I bought on clearance in January 2005. (Judging from a Google search, a lot of other people have the same model.) Canon abandoned support of it some years ago, but they made a good product, and it's been working just fine with Irfanview on my Windows 7 laptop. But naturally I want to use it with my Windows 10 desktop PC. Here's what I discovered along the way to accomplishing that. (This should apply to any driver of legacy hardware, not just to a scanner.)

When I tried running the driver installer, there was no error message but also nothing happened. It turns out that you don't install drivers, you just tell Windows 10 where to find them and it does the install. Follow these steps:

Right-click the Start Menu button and select Device Manager.
Locate your device in Device Manager, right-click it, and select Update Driver. (If you don't see your device, click View � Show hidden devices.)
On the next screen, select Browse my computer for drivers.
On the next screen, click Browse and navigate to the folder that contains your driver. Then click Next.
You may get the error message "The hash for the file is not present in the specified catalog file. The file is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering." If you do, the actual issue is that your driver isn't digitally signed, and Windows versions starting with Windows 8 don't want to install unsigned drivers. To get around this and install the driver, you will need to reboot Windows 10 in a special mode:

Make sure to save any documents you are editing, and close the applications.
Open Settings, and select Recovery.
Under Advanced startup, click Restart now. This reboots your PC and brings up a special screen.
Select Troubleshoot � Advanced options � Startup settings.
Select Restart. Be ready: when a list of options appears after the reboot, you have only a second or two to press 7 Disable driver signature enforcement.
Sign in as usual. You should now be able to install your driver by following steps 1-4 above.
After a successful install, you may wish to reboot your PC, which will automatically return to the default mode of not allowing unsigned drivers to be installed.

But after a reboot, I found that Windows would not allow my driver to run. There was no error message from Windows; Irfanview just couldn't connect to the driver. My temporary solution is to open an administrative command prompt and execute this command:

bcdedit -set testsigning on

and reboot. Windows shows a "Test Mode" warning, but the scanner works fine.

After I've scanned my documents, I get out of test mode by executing this command in an administrative command prompt:

bcdedit -set testsigning off

and then rebooting.
